Sunday, January 16, 2011

What Lies Within My Heart ♥

Men are come from Mars and women are from Venus. That's what everyone has been saying and which I think is very true. "I wonder what he/she thinks of me." That's a question which would pop out in everyone's mind, but trust me, you'll never know until they tell you what they really think. But who knows, lie lies within believe.

From my perspective, what we (the girls) really want was never complicated, it's always the situations which make it worse. Us, girls, tend to wander in a big garden full with variety of flowers. We always hope to find ourselves the perfect one that we really love. But every single flower in that garden are blooming, roses are beautiful, daisies are delicate even cactus flower have their own kind of beauty. That's why we feel lost and confused sometimes. The lucky ones might picked the right flower on their first time, but to those who didn't, like me, we never give up, even though we might got hurt again and again by the thorns while trying to pick the flowers.
What's your choice? I've pick mine. I might be getting hurt again, but who cares? I might just be one step closer to the right one. I always have hope in me, though it might be disappointing, but what's life without hope? I know that I will be happy, some beautiful day, in my future, I always knew. =]

P/s: Finally found out the name of my all time favourite flower, Gerbera. I Love You. ♥

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