Friday, December 10, 2010


I wonder anyone of you know about this news? It's about this guy, A, committed suicide because he couldn't endure the pain after his girlfriend decided to break up with him. I don't know him, he's my friends' friend. Well, news on Facebook spread very fast, that's why I know.

It seems like everyone is blaming that girl, B, for being so cruel towards him. I don't know this girl too but I got to say that it's not fair to her too. When everyone is saying that it's her fault, don't you think that A was more irresponsible? Yes I know that he was really into this girl, but if he really loved her, he won't do this to her, leaving all the responsibilities to her. To me, that's more like demanding. Though I might have tons of people going to hate me for saying this, he was stupid. Does anything changed after he did that? Yea, that girl might feel very regret now, so what? That's just going to make that girl feel guilty, not a piece of sweet memory that would make her smile when she thinks of him. We make choices in our lives, we always have choices even when you think you don't have one, choose the right one that you will not regret.

He's dead now, there's nothing that we can do to make him come back alive. I'll still pray for him to rest in peace though I don't agree his actions.

To live in heart we leave behind is not to die.
Thomas Campbell

P/s: Love is very important, but life weights more. When you don't have your life, how are you going to enjoy the love around you? You're just going to make the people who loves you sad and miserable. ♥

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