Tuesday, December 7, 2010

You're The Love of My Life ♥

I hate you so much for making me cry every time I talk to you. It's so heartbreaking when you tell me about your life cause I don't know what to do to make your life better. I have no idea what should I do to cheer you up, the only thing I can tell you is how much I love you, how much I miss you and how bad I want you to be home with me. I've always imagining you being on my side when I'm watching the television, imagining you picking me up from school or maybe shop with me. You've been away from me since I was 5, and I've only seen you once after that. Sometimes, I have to look at your picture to remember how you look like, sometimes, I feel like I'm the only child. Everyone just seems so far away from me, sometimes I just forget that I still have my brothers and sister. But, there's a special bond between us that make us so close together, you're the only one who understands me like no one else do in this family, in this whole wide world.

I've always asked Him why is He so cruel, I really don't understand why He made your life to be this miserable. I don't know how exactly your life is, but I can feel the pain inside me when I think of you, it feels like my heart is being torn apart.

I know there would be so many hard times that you would have your mood swings or emotional problems that would most probably trigger you to do some really stupid stuffs. But please think of me before you took any further actions, I really don't want to lose you. Remember that you'll always have me by your side and you can just say anything, really anything to me. I don't know what I can do to show you my support, but at least I want you to know I'm always there just in case you need someone to listen to, to hang on or even a shoulder to lean on.

No matter what happened to you or what you did in your life, I am and I will always be proud of you. Not because of your achievement or whatsoever, it's only just because you're my brother, as simple as that. You're the love of my life.

P/s: I don't mind to be heartbroken and cry every time we talk, that's the least that I can do to show you my love. I Love You. I'll wait for you to come home, even if it means the rest of my life. ♥

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